Selasa, 12 April 2011

roasted corn "Pak GIK"

What's up!? Comrade teenager ... Well, for you are his hobby of snacking in the afternoon or evening, yuk cobain whose name Mr. GIK shaved roasted corn. What's so special huh? Make no mistake friends, this is not just any corn. In addition to roasted corn shaved artificial GIK Pak provides a variety of flavors you know. There's roasted corn shaved sweet taste salty, spicy sauce, spicy sweet sauce, cheese, milk, cheese, spicy, BBQ and unique is the roasted corn grilled cheese shaved chocolate flavor, you can also combine a sense of self really according to taste. Wow! It must make you addicted deh!

Not only was my friend, Mr. GIK was also very friendly when serving the buyers are pretty, full of smiles. he-he-he. Create a price issue does not need to worry my friend, the average price for a serving of shaved roasted corn taste priced at Rp 3,500 to Rp 5000. Cheap right! Well, so would like snacking, yuk immediately drove to Mr GIK shaved corn in the West Pleburan Jalan Semarang.

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